Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!!!

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: whoa whoa whoa
You: omg omg omg
Stranger: u heard it too?
You: yeah
You: it was realllllllly loud!
Stranger: damn i know
Stranger: gotta hit the bunker
You: I know...
You: *hits bunker*
You: now what?
Stranger: i dunno think happy thoughts
Stranger: its all we've got
You: *thinks happy thoughts*
Stranger: hahaha
You: ahhh, I am happy :o)
Stranger: think we mader thru
You: phew!
Stranger: i hear ya
Stranger: such a relief
You: I know
You: I couldn't do it w/o you
Stranger: i know me too
Stranger: thanks for having my back
You: anytime
You: Happy Memorial Day!
You: I will remember this always! ;o)
Stranger: its special
You: In Memorium :-p

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