Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I am not the Pope!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: pointy nipples
You: why yes please
Stranger: poke poke
You: hey, that tickles
You: I thought you were gonna show me pointy nipples
Stranger: only one of mine is pointy
You: nothing wrong with that
Stranger: one of them is shy
You: ( . ) ( o )
Stranger: indeed!
You: yes, such things happen
Stranger: i like your widget ;)
You: lol, thanks
You: I thought I had covered it, though
You: ah, well
Stranger: not covered enough
You: that always happens
You: not used to having such a large widget
You: now spigots, on the other hand
Stranger: dont be a jizzbag
You: I was not aware that I was one
You: I think of myself as more of a douchenozzle, really
Stranger: do you always hit on guys?
You: well, being a straight girl, yes
You: that's how we do things
Stranger: your not a chick
You: well, I don't have a dick
You: so I think that's what I am
Stranger: you said you had a large widget.. haha
You: lol, yes, that's true
You: but it's only for show
Stranger: i'm not convinced
You: well, I'm not at all sure that I could convince you
You: seriously, I could be the pope for all you know
You: he doesn't have a dick either, I hear
Stranger: the pope has both i think
You: makes sense
You: he also knows polish
You: I don't know polish
You: so I am not the pope
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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