Thursday, April 30, 2009

I am not a Chigga!!!

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: jai ho!
Stranger: wat the fuck does that mean?
Stranger: jiaho???
Stranger: jai ho?
You: it's like hey girl hey
Stranger: i am chinese and we are taking over the world
You: word
Stranger: so you barking at the wrong nigga
You: chinese nigga?
You: chigga?
Stranger: i am not chigga
Stranger: but just use that word
You: say what?
Stranger: all colored people can use nigga
Stranger: to call them selves
Stranger: but if whites use it, then it is racism
You: i dont think chinese are considered people of color?
Stranger: we aint? we asians and we yellow
You: white's a color
Stranger: like the spics are brown
You: spics? haven't heard that one
Stranger: whites are caucasians
You: hmmm spics....
Stranger: where you from?
You: around here
Stranger: seems that you aint familiar with all the racial slurs
Stranger: around here means?
You: if i were a spic....i'd be from poland?
Stranger: no..
Stranger: you would be spanish
Stranger: south american
Stranger: mexicano
You: crazy
Stranger: polish is aryan.. you are white
You: so like all asians are japs or what?
Stranger: asians are japanese koreans chinese vietnamese
Stranger: thai
Stranger: and indonasians
Stranger: singaporeans
You: but like south america is a huge place and they only have one name....spics
You: so im going to say all of asia are japs
You: or chinks....your choice?
Stranger: chinks are the suitable term for me
You: ok, want to be sensitive with my slurs
Stranger: but spanish fucked around in s america
You: ummm west side?
Stranger: thats why they are more or less spics
You: because they fucked around?
You: what does that mean...spic?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: when you look at s america
Stranger: most of them are mixed races of indian, locals and spanish
You: i think china and the moguls fucked around heaps in europe too
You: are chinese spics too?
Stranger: nope..
Stranger: china is racially quite homogenous
Stranger: chinese in china
Stranger: those chinese lookalike russians are tata i tthink?
Stranger: not sure
You: but like didnt the moguls or whatever theyre called....ghengis khan and all that.....werent they like fucking shit up in europe for quiet a while?
You: so by your definition chinese are spics
Stranger: i see. khan comes and go.
Stranger: never got that deep like spanish in s america
Stranger: spreading religion and stuff
Stranger: is europeans still catholics or they admiring mongolian god?
Stranger: or protestant
You: oh i dunno?
You: tell me
Stranger: tell you what?
Stranger: i have told you all about it
You: about mongolian religion in europe
Stranger: there is no mongolian religion in EU
Stranger: period
You: oh?
Stranger: but see wats the religion in s america?
Stranger: so i said , khan comes and go
Stranger: never made a cultural economic political impact on EU
Stranger: he doesnt really affect the racial stuff in EU too
You: oh...what do you mean..what's the religion there?
You: in s america?
Stranger: mostly catholics i believe
You: oh?
You: i thought spanish were muslim?
Stranger: which part of world you from?
You: africa
Stranger: where at?
You: lesotho
Stranger: spanish are mostly muslim
You: i thought they were catholic?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: they are catholic
Stranger: so you from south africa?
Stranger: honestly i dont know where the hell lesotho
You: chigger!
Stranger: i am not chigger
Stranger: lol
You: what are you then?
Stranger: chinese
Stranger: wat are you then?
Stranger: whites in sa?
Stranger: or the real nigga in sa
You: both
Stranger: so you mixed
Stranger: check this
Stranger: learn the proper lingo
Stranger: haha
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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