Monday, April 27, 2009

Mars Men Are Uneasy

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: rabbits?
Stranger: nihao
You: hello!
Stranger: nihao
You: japan?
Stranger: korean
Stranger: I am from mars
You: that is good :)
Stranger: where are u from
You: venus!
Stranger: oh yeah
You: what a good match!
Stranger: earth is dangerous place
You: terrifying
Stranger: let us go gack to mars
You: any time
You: your spaceship or mine?
Stranger: I was lost in asia ~
Stranger: where are u?
You: the US
You: so strange
You: so shiny
Stranger: oh my spaceship is fast enough
You: good to hear
Stranger: I'll get u a min later
You: ok
Stranger: by the way ~u are female or male?
You: female, last time I checked
Stranger: I'll get sth ready for u
You: sounds like a plan
You: I'll be wearing purple
Stranger: oh~
Stranger: better than wear nothing
You: well, I need something to deflect the solar rays
Stranger: I think mars~is not suitable for us two
Stranger: how about venus~?
Stranger: it is a romantic planet
You: well there are very many other women there
Stranger: better than anywhere else
Stranger: yeah~
You: but mostly they are ugly
You: so it's a toss up
Stranger: that's what I mean
Stranger: I like beatiful girl
Stranger: olala
You: ahhh, me too!
Stranger: ......
Stranger: lesbian
Stranger: oh jesus
You: only in the winter
Stranger: forgive me
You: but of course
Stranger: I'll change my partner
You: you have perfect manners
Stranger: what should I say ~thank you
You: you are welcome!
Stranger: any way ~ I like u in last min~
You: I like you too, but who is your new partner?
Stranger: so I 'll take u to leave this planet~whether u r les or not
You: that is good
You: I can not stand it here much longer
Stranger: U can take your girlfriend
You: that is good!
You: she is quite ripe
Stranger: oh ~really
You: yes
Stranger: u can also take some more hot chicks
You: we'll have to
You: the ones on venus are so very ugly
You: we will have to start from scratch
Stranger: I think we can get there safely
You: good
You: how long will it take?
Stranger: hang on~
You: ok
Stranger: how old are u?baby
You: 27 in venus years
Stranger: I forget to ask u this
You: but I don't know how that converts
Stranger: this is a big factor in our plan to vensus
You: the math here is difficult
Stranger: so~ forget it
You: I will
You: what is mars like?
Stranger: oh beatifuplace
Stranger: I'll bet
You: you have never been?
You: but I thought you were from mars?
Stranger: u never sees such beautiful planet before
Stranger: yeap
Stranger: mars is my hometown
You: you are lucky then
Stranger: your hometown is earth?
Stranger: what a shame~
You: no, venus
Stranger: sigh
You: earth is ugly
You: not enough gasses
You: too much dirt
Stranger: oh~?You can discribe how vesus like
You: many clouds
You: no plants
You: no dirt
Stranger: Is there any sorts for us to visit?
You: there is a city there where I lived
Stranger: en hm
You: it was very cold, but pretty
You: the houses were made of ice
Stranger: I think u must be a very beatiful female vesusian
You: I miss it
You: thank you :)
Stranger: in mars we human are very tough
You: yes?
Stranger: we must couter against the human from earth
You: yes, the humans are not kind
Stranger: there are more and more human from earth wanna to get to mars
Stranger: sigh
You: yes, it makes me sad too
Stranger: by the way ~what city are u now~ I'll setup my gps
You: ok
You: I am in Chicago, Illinois
Stranger: oh~ rather big city
You: yes...very many humans
You: what does your ship look like?
You: so that I may know when I see it
Stranger: some stuff like~eh....
Stranger: a condom?
You: hmmmm...I do not know that word :(
Stranger: ~:)
You: ahhhh, ok
Stranger: sigh~
You: I will be waiting! :)
You: good bye!
You have disconnected.

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